Thursday, February 24, 2011


Please take the time to read the following. It's a little long, but it shows how the New mayor and Media are already crafting a pile of bullshit.......

“This is going to be collective bargaining and the collective will be with the people that are representing our police, our firefighters, our teachers and other unions as we try to work this out,” Emanuel said. “There are parts to this and I am not looking at a 90 percent increase in property (taxes.) I am not looking at property taxes.”

The following was posted by SCC ( Jan 29th 2011 under "Shrinking Checks"

Mayor Richard Daley's administration today unveiled a plan for police and fire pension reform that would increase employee contributions as part of a package it hopes would save Chicago property taxpayers $240 million per year compared to a bill Gov. Pat Quinn signed into law earlier this month.

Gene Saffold, the city's chief financial officer, said the Daley administration has not spoken to state lawmakers or labor leaders about supporting the city's alternate plan. But Saffold hopes the new General Assembly will address Daley's concerns that the new pension reform law will place an onerous burden on taxpayers with a $550 million property-tax hike beginning in 2015.

The administration's proposal would raise police officers' contribution to their pension plan from 9 percent to 12 percent between 2015 and 2018, and raise firefighters' share from 9.1 percent to 12.1 percent.

Ok, so we've gone from 550m to 20b in oh, about 1 month. Lets start by breaking down what Mayor Daley's financial officers said. If we increase OUR contributions by 3% it will raise roughly half (240m) of the shortfall. So if they plan on raising the remainder through property taxes guess what....we foot that bill too. If we tell them, no we will not increase the contribution everyone in the city shares the burden, no mostly us, the workers. Looking a little further Wikipedia had the following info.....

As of the 2000 census, there were 2,896,016 people, 1,061,928 households, and 632,558 families residing within Chicago.

So, lets round down and call it
1 million households. A property tax increase of $500 for the year would raise 500m. Less than $50 per month. And that figure does not include Business property, just households.
But the city wants us to pay 3%.
A 3% increase on $80,000 per year means you would contribute $2,400.

NOW HERE'S THE KICKER......DO YOU KNOW WHY THIS PLAN WILL NOT WORK??? BECAUSE OF THE 165 TIF DISTRICTS IN THE CITY!!! You see all property taxes in a TIF district are frozen at the level they were at when the TIF district was created. Any increase in property taxes funnels that money into the TIF fund for the City to spend as they see fit. THAT IS WHY TAXES WOULD NEED TO GO UP 90%. If you are confused here is a quick example.
Say all the homes on your block pay 1k in property tax for the year 2010. (it's an example!!) Now the city decides your block is a new TIF district. For 21 years only $1000 of your property taxes goes to fund your schools, parks, libraries, ect... As time goes on and your property taxes increase everything over $1000 goes into the TIF fund and that money goes to connected contractors and other various friends of the Mayor or alderman. You can go to the city's website and find this figure....

"2009 projected TIF revenue collections $495 million."

So if there were no TIF's
$495 million extra dollars would have gone to pay for schools, parks, libraries, and City services in 2009.
The "financial crisis" of Shitcago is all smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately too many people can tell you who Kim Kardashian is dating, what happened on the latest episode of Jersey Shore, and has seen the latest viral video on you tube but doesn't have a fucking clue what kind of bullshit the Politicians are selling!

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