Friday, July 13, 2012

Rham's lies are shooting him in the foot.... and citizens in the head, chest, stomach, ect...

Well, well, well, Rham your lies are catching up with you.  You promised the people you would "put 1000 officers on the street".  Instead you mislead the people and disbanded 2 specialized units -which ALREADY worked the streets every day- and put those officers in districts.  Now the CPD no longer has a force of 500+ officers to send to the hot spots all over the city to help curb the shooting.  Lets look a little closer at this strategy and see why it has backfired so badly and how it is going to be very difficult to fix.  Most of the shootings are occurring between 10 p.m. and 2:00 a.m.  MSF and TRU worked from approx. 6:30p.m. until 3:30a.m.  By disbanding the units those officers were spread out over several districts and several watches.  So if the officers were placed in the 10 most violent districts on 3 different watches that is 30 different spots officers could wind up working.  That would be an additional 16 officers in each of the 10 districts on 3 watches or a total of 8 two man cars per watch in the 10 districts.  Add in RDO's and that number probably drops to 5-6 extra cars available.  Compare that to 30 or more two man cars saturating a district and there is no comparison which strategy is going to produce better results.  Now add to that the way the city disbanded the units and destroyed the morale of MANY of the officers that were willing and happy to go out and be proactive.  How much effort are those officers putting into their work?  Officers that live on the North end of the city have to commute well over an hour to get to work now because they volunteered to go to a unit and try to do a good job.  Now the aldermen and getting anxious about the violence that is occurring.  The city knows that they screwed up.  What are the options?  You cannot train the recruits fast enough.  If the city tries to recreate the units how many officers will be willing to volunteer to go work hard in some shitty district only to have the possibility of being stuck in a shitty district permanently when the city decides to disband the unit again?  If you are unsure of the answer to that question allow me to help you....the city cannot even get 120 officers to do it right now even though they are offering to pay time +1/2.  There is no way they will get 500+ officers to volunteer to do it again.  And because they have hired so few new officers there aren't any that don't remember what happened previously.  Had the city kept hiring like they should have there would be a few hundred officers that would probably jump at the opportunity to work in a special unit.  Yep, looks like it's going to be a looooong hot summer Mr. Mayor.  You made you bed,..... nighty nite!

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